Bold Future

We honour our progressive past by looking forward, embracing a culture of courage and innovation, striving for excellence and advancing the common good.

Strategic Priority: Growth

Enhance policies, processes and structures to enable development and growth in the pursuit of excellence.

UCC will promote a culture where creativity, innovation and entrepreneurial thinking thrive. Our information and technology structures will evolve to support advancements in learning, teaching and operational effectiveness, incorporating enhanced data analytic capabilities and strategy implementation processes.

We will establish opportunities for faculty and staff to apply for grants to undertake innovative areas of research and development. In addition, we will explore the development of a Centre for Innovation.

To ensure organizational effectiveness, we will refine our policies, processes and administrative structures to align with our Strategic Directions.

Near-Term Initiatives

  • Develop enrollment plan with review of school size and grade composition
  • Foster innovation through Department of Information and Innovation, and launch of Principal’s Innovation Fund
  • Implement refined administrative structure and processes